Board of Trustees Complete National Search for the Next President of pp电子极速糖果

经过全面和有竞争力的全国性搜索, 是什么吸引了全国各地申请者的兴趣, 涉及众多利益相关者, 包括董事会成员, 教师, 学生, 校园工作人员和社区领导, the pp电子极速糖果 Board of Trustees entered into negotiations on 4月il 29 with John Marshall to serve as the next president of CMU.

“The Board of Trustees arrived at a unanimous decision after considering broad stakeholder input and carefully deliberating,Ray Anilionis说, 董事会主席. “We are pleased to announce the Board of Trustees has entered into negotiations with current CMU Vice President John Marshall to serve as the next President of CMU. 董事会完全理解这一决定的重要性, 并且感激老师们, 学生, 工作人员 and the community for engaging in this robust national search process. 约翰在面试过程中表现得很好, 在校园利益相关者论坛上, that his vision for CMU is the one that will best guide the university forward to thrive in a changing and complex world.”

During their deliberations the board aligned around values of good governance, 制定战略计划, engaging in ongoing institutional and presidential performance evaluations, and supporting professional development activities to ensure Marshall will advance university growth.

“高等教育和CMU都处于十字路口,艾莉森·格里芬说, CMU理事及遴选委员会成员. “今天, 学生越来越多样化, the value of a postsecondary education is in question and our economy requires a commitment to lifelong learning. The board’s unanimous support for John Marshall reflects our confidence in his ability to place CMU in the center of this conversation.”

The national search for a new president began after the retirement announcement of current president Tim Foster. 继福斯特宣布, the Board of Trustees established a search committee comprised of nine people including 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 董事会成员和蒙特罗斯校区的一名代表. The committee crafted a position prospectus that was advertised nationwide in higher education journals, 协会刊物及高等教育媒体. 该职位也刊登在当地和区域新闻出版物上.

“On March 16 and 17 the presidential search committee hosted a number of community input sessions to inform our priorities as a committee,屈里曼·杰克逊说, 员工代表兼足球总教练. “These sessions were important in helping us shape the questions and topic categories that would inform the process and the qualities of the future president.”

苏珊娜Owens-Ott, 担任搜索委员会成员的CMU教员受托人分享了, “Marshall demonstrated leadership qualities and articulated a leadership vision that resonated with committee members and trustees. I look forward to engaging him from day one on behalf of 教师 and will begin the conversation immediately about how 教师 can engage the administration and expand the collaborative nature of our relationship.”

每位入围者的领导才能都在现场得到了展示, 4月26日那周的校园公开会议. The live sessions were available remotely through Zoom and also in-person in the University Center Meyer Ballroom. 教师, 工作人员, 学生, community members and former trustees all participated in the open sessions with the finalists. Each listening session was followed by a question and answer session and a post-event survey.

Marshall brings nearly two decades of higher education experience to the presidency having served CMU as the director of development and the vice president for student services. 最近, Marshall was appointed to serve as the COVID-19 response and planning principal where he led the institution’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which gained national attention for the innovations developed and utilized by the campus.

“我有一种深深的感激之情. 我谦卑. 我很高兴能做这项工作。. “I am grateful to the 教师 of CMU for their expertise and service and look forward to continuing to work together with them in this new role. I thank our 学生 and 工作人员 who have given so much, along with the 教师, this year. I see you and I’m going to honor your commitment to CMU by working tirelessly on your behalf. I’m thankful to the CMU Board of Trustees for their confidence in my leadership and vision for the future. I have a deep sense of reverence for the institution and am excited for the opportunity to get started and continue to do my part to ensure CMU continues to thrive into the future.”

Marshall’s tenure at CMU has been one of expanding opportunities for student who are first in their families to attend college and/or from traditionally underrepresented minority groups. 在过去的二十年里, CMU has increased enrollment while adding a litany of academic programs, 哪些是符合该地区需求的.

Marshall also identified a long-term commitment to the institution sharing that both his professional career and his personal life are rooted in the campus community.

“我把我职业生涯的大部分时间都奉献给了CMU. It is where my life and heart are and will remain for the foreseeable future.”

